Category: Health and Business

Posted : July 12, 2020

Security Risk Assessment (SRA) and COVID 19

The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the HHS announced ...

Posted : July 12, 2020

COVID 19 by the numbers

A couple of days back I had a conversation with a broke...

Posted : April 7, 2020

New Workplace Posters

INFORMATIONAL ALERT New Mandatory FFCRA Workplace Poste...

Posted : April 7, 2020

COVID 19 Fraud Schemes

Fear and changes create opportunities and, sad to say, ...

Posted : April 6, 2020

Is your Practice in the ICU?

Is your current patient volume less than 40% of what us...

Posted : April 6, 2020

Telemedicine Updates and Recommendations

On an almost daily basis I read something new regarding...

Posted : March 31, 2020

Identity Theft

Identity theft is a reality my wife and I have experien...

Posted : March 31, 2020


It is evident that cybercrime is not going away. If any...

Posted : March 23, 2020

Executive Order 20-72 Non-essential Elective Medical P...

Executive Order 20-72 prohibits medically unnecessary, ...

Posted : February 23, 2020

The Dangers of Email

Based on Verizon’s latest Data Breach Investigations...

Posted : February 23, 2020

Mobile Devices and Security

A couple of years back I met with someone from a commun...

Posted : February 23, 2020

Cybercrime in 2020

Most of the time we do our research and posts according...