
Posted : October 31, 2017

Marketing and Healthcare

There are different views as we discuss marketing activ...

Posted : September 28, 2017

HIPAA Business Associate Agreements – Recipe for fail...

MACRA, MIPS and the October 2 deadline has kept us busy...

Posted : September 28, 2017

Analytical Approach to MACRA

MACRA is upon us and the urgency to act is paramount. H...

Posted : September 28, 2017

HIPAA Security – Cybercrime

Just last week I received an email from one of my suppl...

Posted : August 31, 2017

MACRA MIPS Advancing Care Information

MACRA MIPS Advancing Care Information I started this ar...

Posted : August 31, 2017

Increasing Revenues in the Healthcare Arena

“We live in interesting times.” “It is the Wild W...

Posted : August 31, 2017

Healthcare Businesses Compliance and Liabilities

If you are in the healthcare arena; can you afford a $5...

Posted : July 31, 2017

Diagnosis Code Importance

Recently I was at a community meeting and a representat...

Posted : July 30, 2017

Security Risk Assessments are here to stay

There have been some discussions as it regards the HIPA...

Posted : July 29, 2017

MACRA by the numbers

MACRA (the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act...

Posted : July 2, 2017

Business Associate and Healthcare

  Over 8 million dollars were paid in just two set...

Posted : June 1, 2017

HICN No more

HICN stands for Health Insurance Claim Number which is ...