Few investments are becoming as attractive as the healthcare market for investors. Based on recent events we foresee significant changes that healthcare professionals and organizations must keep in their radars:
- President Biden and his interest in the Affordable Care Act as key legislation that will guide the future of health insurance in the United States. According to NBC News, President Biden is looking into a product that will be similar to Medicare. President Biden’s plan will also include options for illegal immigrants to obtain health insurance.
- Considering taxes, minimum wage, and overhead increases midsized companies, companies with 50 to 500 employees, are looking for alternatives to offer health care services beyond the standards models currently been offered. These potential customers represent a buying power that will be profitable to anyone with the right package.
- The genie is out and the implementation of telemedicine during COVID 19 has everyone looking into the new telemedicine landscape and the potential new technologies will offer.
- Medicare changes in 2021 with their Direct Contracting models, value-based options, and morphing fee schedules have created enough turmoil and confusion to last a lifetime. But let us keep in mind that chaos does create opportunities for those that are savvy enough.
- Physicians are overwhelmed with all the changes. Many Practices have not yet recovered from the financial impact of COVID 19 of the forecast of new regulations simply is not attractive. As a result, there is a trend of solo physicians and even group Practices willing to become employees in exchange for a piece of mind.
The questions to ponder are:
- How will these changes affect you?
- What will you do about it?