CMS compromises as it regards ICD 10 Finally it seems we are getting a break as it relates to ICD 10 implementation. The break is not a delay as many are hoping but a compromise from CMS to the following terms: * Not deny claims solely based on the specificity of diagnosis codes as long as they are in the appropriate family of codes, so physicians won’t be penalized because of a coding error; * Not audit Medicare claims in the first year of ICD-10 based on specificity of diagnosis codes if in the appropriate family of codes; * Authorize advance payments if Medicare contractors cannot process physician claims coded with ICD-10; * Not penalize physicians via reduced reimbursements for errors in selecting and calculating quality codes for the EHR meaningful use, PQRS and Value-based Modifier reporting programs as long as they use codes within the appropriate family of codes. Penalties also will not be applied if CMS has difficulty calculating quality scores during the ICD-10 transition; and * CMS will establish an ICD-10 Ombudsman office to help physicians resolve problems during the transition. Implementation of these terms may be up to interpretation so regardless of the reprieve I strongly recommend to be prepared. At the very least, attend our conference in August so you can learn more about ICD-10 or simply contact us. For more information look within our web site under the conferences tab. You can read more by visiting: